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Tourists who are eligible for aliyah and wish to work in Israel may apply at Misrad HaPnim (Ministry of Interior) nearest their residence for a B-1 Working Tourist Visa or, if they already have a job offer, they may apply at the Misrad HaPnim office nearest to the place of work.

Individuals who are eligible for aliyah require:

  • Valid Passport for at least 3 months over the requested stay
  • 1 passport photo
  • Proof of Eligibility for Aliyah (usually a notarized letter from overseas community rabbi)
  • Proof of Medical Insurance for the entire stay in Israel
  • If you have already been in Israel for 6 months, a teudat yosher (Record of Good Standing) from the Israeli police.

You may also be required to give a Record of Good Standing with an apostille from abroad and/or a medical certificate regarding your health.

If you have a job offer, also bring a letter from the employer, on official letterhead, with your name, passport number and job description of the promised job.  If approved, Misrad HaPnim will issue a B-1 visa for up to 2 years.  When the visa expires you may apply at Misrad HaPnim for a renewal.

Individuals who are not eligible for aliyah require:

  • Record of Good Standing with an apostille
  • Certification and results of specific medical tests including blood tests performed in clinics or hospitals recognized by the Israeli Consulates. (The certification must cover, inter alia, normal results in tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS.)
  • Fingerprints accompanied by a photo with a declaration.
  • A completed application for the visa
  • Two passport pictures (5X5 cm)

The prospective employer must write a letter to Misrad HaAvoda (Ministry of Labor) requesting that the tourist work for them, stipulating why they need to hire this specific tourist.  The letter must also include the name, passport #, job description, starting date and duration of the job.  If the visa is approved, which may take several weeks, then the letter of approval must be taken to the local Misrad HaPnim and a B-1 Visa may be granted for 6 months for the specific place of employment only.  The visa is generally granted for a period of 6 months and a request can be made for a 6 month extension, which may or may not be granted.

Note: Government offices do not hire tourists.

  • Taxes:  A holder of a B-1 Visa pays a higher income tax rate than an Israeli resident.
  • Bituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute) and Health Benefits:  Working tourists will have Bituach Leumi payments deducted from their salary but are not entitled to national health insurance even when paying in to Bituach Leumi.  If a tourist is in Israel for more than a year, he can appeal to Bituach Leumi and ask to be regarded as a resident, which would entitle him to basic health insurance – but in most cases, this is NOT granted.
  • Customs Benefits:  You may import or purchase a vehicle in Israel, with a reduction in taxes, when you enter Israel or within 3 months of your date of entry.
  • Klitah (Absorption) Rights:  If you choose to make aliyah and have been in Israel for a cumulative stay of more than 24 months in the 3 years prior to date of aliyah, you will not be eligible for full absorption rights.  You will be eligible for some benefits providing you were in Israel for less than 5 years in the last 7 years.  For more information, consult with an AACI counselor via info@aaci.org.il  or with a Jewish Agency representative.

Note:  There are two types of B-1 Visas.  There is a single-entry visa and a multiple-entry visa.  If you intend to travel outside of Israel for this job, be sure to choose the option of the multiple-entry visa.  Be aware that the single-entry visa is cancelled automatically when exiting Israel, whereas the B-1 multiple-entry visa is valid until its expiration date.

We recommend consulting with an AACI counselor if you are considering this visa.

The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.

Update July 2020

AACI Information Sheet

General Note:  Different government ministries have different definitions of “Returning Resident” (Toshav Chozer).  Please pay special attention to the way these definitions affect your rights and residency.

Ministry of Immigrant Absorption (Misrad HaKlitah)
A Returning Resident is defined by Misrad HaKlitah as an Israeli citizen over the age of 17 who has spent a minimum of 2 years living outside of Israel and who has not visited Israel for more than 120 days in either 12 month period of the last 2 years before his return to Israel. In order to be eligible for business guidance and business loans, a Returning Resident has to have been overseas for at least 3 years. Misrad HaKlitah makes the final decision in each case on an individualized basis.

While abroad, one may register as a Returning Resident by filling out a form on the Misrad HaKlitah website: https://www.gov.il/Apps/Moia/ReturningNew/registration 

A Returning Resident must have a valid Israeli passport or travel document to enter Israel. To renew your Israeli passport while still abroad, contact the Israeli Consulate nearest you.

Once the Returning Resident has returned to Israel, to qualify for rights he must update his identity card (teudat zehut) at the local Ministry of Interior office (Misrad HaPnim) and then go to the local Misrad HaKlitah office.  Final determination of the returning resident status is made by Misrad HaKlitah.  It is advisable to save old passports from the year you left until your return, to help determine one’s eligibility for rights. Misrad HaKlitah issues a Returning Resident card to those who receive Returning Resident status.

A former immigrant (oleh) who has spent less than 10 years in Israel prior to leaving the country should be considered an oleh gorer zakaut, an oleh with some rights remaining.  However, in some cases Misrad HaKlitah will recognize the person as a Returning Resident.

In order to receive assistance from the Center for Integration in Science in the local Misrad HaKlitah office, Returning Resident Scientists and Researchers must have been overseas for at least 5 years, and may then turn to the Center for assistance with work-related matters: scientist@moia.gov.il


Customs (Meches)

Returning Residents need to open a file at the nearest regional customs office before being able to utilize customs rights. Bring your Israeli passport, teudat zehut, foreign passports (if any) and a rental or sales contract to the Customs office. Customs rights are valid for 9 months. All Returning Residents may bring in tax free (without customs, sales tax and VAT) personal items and gifts up to $200 in hand luggage and tools up to $1,000.


Returning Residents who have been out of the country for more than 2 years may import tax free the same items as a new immigrant in up to 2 shipments, not including a vehicle.


Returning Residents who have previously made aliyah will be able to import those items they did not import as olim and items they imported but kept for 6 years while living in Israel.


The Bureau of Motor Vehicles (Misrad HaRishui)

Returning residents who never had an Israeli driver’s license may convert their license on condition that the foreign license was issued at least six months prior to their return and the applicant was abroad for at least one year. They must convert their license within one year of their return.


Returning residents who have a valid foreign driver’s license that was valid for at least 5 years before the date of return may receive an Israeli driver’s license without any tests.


Returning Residents with a foreign driver’s license that was issued less than 5 years but at least six months prior to their return may convert their foreign driver’s license to an Israeli one with an abridged process.   Documents required – foreign driver’s license with an issue date plus a photocopy, identification card, and proof that they have been out of the country.


Returning Residents who had an Israeli driver’s license in the past must make an appointment at Misrad HaRishui to receive instructions on how to renew their license.  Bring your old Israeli driver’s license and current teudat zehut.



National Insurance Institute (NII) (Bituach Leumi)

Bituach Leumi considers a Returning Resident to be someone who has been abroad for more than 5 years and has continued to pay Bituach Leumi health insurance payments or someone who has been abroad for 2 years or more and has not paid in. Time spent in Israel, under 6 months in a calendar year, is not counted towards residency.  Those who continue paying in and return within 5 years will maintain their residency.


A person’s residency in Israel is cancelled when they have been abroad for more than 5 years whether they have paid in or not.  If they have been paying in, Bituach Leumi may reimburse the money if it revokes the person’s residency.


Every returning Israeli who has not paid in to Bituach Leumi during their stay abroad must fill out a Residency Form at the local Bituach Leumi office upon their return.


If a Returning Resident pays a reinstatement fee of 14,520 NIS, (as of January 1, 2024) whether before or upon their return to Israel, medical coverage will go into effect almost immediately, as long as Bituach Leumi is convinced the person is making Israel their “Center of Life”.


If the Returning Resident opts to not pay the reinstatement fee but to wait for health coverage, in addition to any private health insurance he pays for independently, he must also pay Bituach Leumi for the waiting period. The Returning Resident should stay in Israel during the waiting period; leaving the country for trips of more than a few days a month will almost definitely jeopardize their reinstatement as residents.  In addition to residing in Israel during the waiting period the Returning Resident may be asked to show additional proof of residency, such as the selling of a house and/or car overseas, bringing in a lift, and/or buying a residence in Israel since their return.  Returning Residents who work will have their payments deducted from their salary.  The waiting period is one month for every year spent out of the country, up to a maximum waiting period of 6 months.


We recommend that every Returning Resident have private health insurance in case there is a waiting period before being accepted into a health fund.  If the Returning Resident is a senior, coverage may be expensive and may not cover pre-existing conditions.  .


Returning Residents of retirement age, according to Bituach Leumi, who have already accumulated 144 months of insurance contributions will be eligible for a government pension (Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik).  If they have paid in for at least 5 years they may also be eligible to receive the Kitzva.  Each case is evaluated by Bituach Leumi on an individual basis and therefore all Seniors who are Returning Residents should apply.  For further details, see www.btl.gov.il.


A Returning Resident is entitled to:

  • A one-way discounted ticket purchased directly from El Al, for those whose Returning Resident status is confirmed by a consulate while still outside of Israel. Passengers 2 years old and over are entitled to an extra suitcase.
  • 3 months of income support – received via Misrad HaKlitah for a single or a couple who both sign up at the Employment Bureau at the beginning of each month. If one member of the couple is working, they are not eligible, unless the wage earner’s salary is very low.
  • Retraining courses (depending on available budget) through the Ministry of Labor in cooperation with Misrad HaKlitah. May be eligible for living, travel or tuition allowance. Must begin within 2nd year after return – this assistance is given for up to 1
  • Living and travel expenses during professional retraining courses (doctors and dentists only).
  • Financial assistance with fees for licensing exams in relevant professions, up to NIS 700.
  • Employment Guidance
  • Business Development Centers – personal small business counseling and workshops
  • Business Loans – require guarantors.
  • Discount for municipal day care. Apply through the local welfare office.  Check with the local municipality for the nearest office.
  • Returning Residents who are artists may apply to Misrad HaKlitah for financial assistance in the framework of the assistance to immigrant artists.
  • Returning Residents who lived overseas for a minimum of 10 years are eligible for an exemption from income tax on overseas income for a period of 10 years.


Important to know

  • A parent returning with one or more children whose spouse is still abroad must have an official letter of agreement from the spouse notarized or witnessed at an Israeli Consulate, giving consent that the children may return to Israel. This is necessary in order to be eligible for financial assistance.
  • Children of Israeli citizens born abroad and moving to Israel must have their own Israeli passports, even if they also have a U.S. passport.



The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.




*At this time, the Teudat Zehut is not being given to Olim at the airport. An oleh may receive it at any Misrad HaPnim (Population Administration) office.

The Israeli ID “Teudat Zehut” is the Israeli compulsory identity document.  All new ID cards are biometric. Olim (immigrants) receive temporary teudat zehut cards at the airport.  They are required to exchange them after 90 days for a biometric teudat zehut. Your first biometric teudat zehut is free.  Israelis who have non-biometric teudat zehut cards are not currently obligated to exchange them but may do so if they so wish.

How to apply https://www.gov.il/en/service/biometric_smart_id_request
make an appointment to apply at a Population Administration office

Bring to Misrad HaPnim:

  • your foreign passport
  • your birth certificate
  • Teudat Oleh or evidence of eligibility for Israeli citizenship by Right of Return
  • relevant original certificates if you are married, divorced, or widowed.

Documents that were issued outside of Israel must be original documents and may need an apostille or be authenticated by an Israeli Embassy or Consulate in the country they were issued in.

At the Misrad HaPnim appointment, a clerk will:

  • photograph your face
  • scan your index fingers   (You can opt out of storing your fingerprints in the biometric database, but you still need to scan them. They will be stored on your ID card’s chip. If you opt out, your ID will be valid for five years not ten.)
  • register your personal details

When you complete your application, you will receive an envelope with a personal code and password. The code will be sent to your cellphone as well.

Your ID will be delivered by registered Israel post to the address you gave when applying. The postal worker will verify your personal code before handing over the ID.  Without this you will not be able to receive the ID.

Activate your ID

Use the code and password to activate your ID.  If you do not activate your ID it will not be valid.  Your Biometric ID password lets you access online services on Gov.il and services at self-service stations

The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.

Israeli Passport Application

*Until December 31st  2024, Israeli citizens with a foreign passport may travel on their foreign passport. 

The Israeli Passport must be used by citizens when entering and exiting Israel.    All new passports are biometric and issued at the Ministry of Interior (Misrad HaPnim).

How to Apply:   https://www.gov.il/en/service/application_for_biometric_passport2

Schedule an appointment

Pay for your passport online 

Paying online is cheaper than paying at Misrad HaPnim.  You can also pay at Misrad HaPnim with your credit card, or someone else’s credit card if they are with you in person, and at Stands located across the country.

Bring to Misrad HaPnim: Teudat Zehut ID card and your current Israeli passport if you have one.  Your photo will be taken as well as your fingerprints.

Your name will be entered on the new passport in Hebrew and English. If you want to spell your name according to an existing spelling, bring your foreign passport or immigration certificate (teudat oleh) with the correct spelling.

For further information concerning receiving passports

The passport will be transferred to a delivery company up to six weeks after the date of the application. The passport will be sent to a distribution center for pick-up.  Text messages will be sent to cellphones with details of the pick-up location.

The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.

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