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Address Tel
Ahuzat Beit Hakerem
Avizohar 8
076 599 6619


Spacious apartments for every type of care from long term or rehabilitation to independent and senior housing.  They range from two-and-a-half rooms to four rooms. Significant deposit with monthly maintenance fees. Workout room, gymnasium, activity rooms, jacuzzi and pool.  24 hour a day security and medical services.

Website: https://www.a-rubi.co.il/english/ahuzot-rubinstein/

Bayit BaLev – Jerusalem
Ben Tzvi 35
*5626 Exclusive secured residence and part of Maccabi Health Services. Maccabi members receive a 5% discount. Religious and secular residents. English speakers. Supportive family atmosphere and caring staff. Spacious rooms. Small synagogue, gym and cafeteria. GP doctor, 24hr nurse/medic, and social worker on staff. Daily main meals available.  All Shabbat programs are shomer Shabbat. Programming for independent Seniors – games, concerts etc. Programs in English. Near supermarket and stores.

Website: https://www.bbalev.co.il/english/

Beit Avot Beit Beyer
Yam Suf 33
Sanhedria Murchevet
Jerusalem 97701
074 711 6300 Nursing home for frail and semi-independent.

Live-in nursing care, live in care for the frail and a Day Care Center

Ultra-Orthodox religious atmosphere.  Few English speakers.


Beit Barth
Derech Hebron 56
077 961 2025 Close to shopping centers and buses. Residential units of various sizes, for independent Seniors.  A few rooms available for chronic care.  A religious, Dati-Leumi community.

Website: English https://www.reuth.nl/index.asp?id=2375 

Hebrew http://www.datileumi.co.il/index.asp?id=2030

Beit Horim Beit Moses
Derech Beit Lechem 52
Jerusalem 93504

073 205 2700 Three Care Options:

  1. Independent – 30 or 80 sq. meter apartment. Three different payment options, 2 different entrance fees with smaller monthly deposits or a flat monthly rate.
  2. Supportive Care – Monthly cost of about 17,000 NIS. Includes meals, more staff help, medical attention, and laundry services.
  3. Nursing Care (Siudi) – Monthly cost of about 17,000 NIS. Shared room or Private room for 10% more.  Includes care like a hospital and absorbent products if needed.

Diversity in population and languages spoken. Synagogue. No Kashrut certificate. Gardens, library, hairdresser, and internet on-site.


Beit Sababa Makom BaLev
Kibbutz Ramat Rachel
D.N. Tsafon Yehuda 90900
02 670 2999



A frail care center with 26 beds in 13 rooms – some with kitchenette. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and dietician on site. Kibbutz includes parks, petting zoo and archeological site.

Email: sha@krr.co.il or sababa@ramat-rachel.org.il.

Golden Hill
Hahagana 11
French Hill,
02 589 1891 70 residents. Some English speakers.  Most residents have live-in aides. Has a Kiddush Friday night. Beautiful building, good sized rooms. Has a rec room /cafeteria but no gym, synagogue, or pool etc. Friendly staff. Medical staff available. Daily main meal.  No programs on Shabbat. Weekly programs include shows and sing-alongs. English speakers meet twice a week for a roundtable discussion. Has a synagogue next door, and major supermarket, bank and restaurants nearby. Near to a mall and to the center of town by car.

Website: https://golden-hill.co.il/

Hod Yerushalayim
Guatemala 3
Kiryat HaYovel
02 643 6629 A private home for independent Seniors, with a chronic care-unit on-site.  One bedroom to four bedroom apartments with small kitchenettes, for rent or for sale.  Mixed community.

Email: oritzarhod@gmail.com

Facebook page – הוד ירושלים – בית דיור מוגן לגיל הזהב

Jerusalem of Gold
Korei HaDorot 26A
02 671 4932 Near Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, private home for independent Seniors. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with kitchenettes. Monthly fee includes medicine, 24 hour security, 3 meals a day, snacks, board, activities, laundry.  Shomer Shabbat and kosher facility.  Primary language is French, with some English-speaking residents. Currently upgrading.
Neve Amit – Ramat Eshkol
Rechov Paran 10
Ramat Eshkol
Jerusalem 91181
02 589 1122 Meuhedet residence for the independent, assisted living, and handicapped Senior. Apartments with kitchenette and 1 1/2 – 3 bedrooms. Located near a shopping center.  Kosher and Shabbat observant facility.  Few English speakers. Cafeteria, synagogue but no gym or pool. Medical staff and friendly staff. 3 meals a day including Shabbat and seudah shlishit. All programs are shomer Shabbat. Some English programs, such as lectures, ulpan and Parshat Hashavua classes, shows and sing-alongs. About 15 minute drive to town center

Website: https://neve-amit.co.il/ramat-eshkol/
Email: nahum_e@meuhedet.co.il  

Ramat Tamar
Shefa Chaim 2 Ramot Jerusalem 91450
02 572 4444


Senior assisted living community for the Orthodox community.  Great for independent Seniors.

Website: https://www.ramat-tamir.co.il/
Email: home@ramat-tamir.co.il


Neve Shalem
Koreh-Hadorot 27
02 673 7994

050 524 6077

Mostly English speakers. Independent Seniors and those with aides.  Religious and secular. Spacious rooms. Dining area, rec room with some fitness equipment, library and therapeutic salt room. No full gym, pool etc. Medical staff available.  Many daily programs in English, including ulpan. Lunch served daily and on some Friday nights .  Programming is shomer Shabbat. Mini shopping center and synagogue nearby.  5 minute drive from Hadar Mall. 10 minutes from town center.

Website: https://neve-shalem.co.il/homepage/
Email:  neve.shalem@gmail.com

Neveh Simcha
Sorotzkin 1
073 270 0700


A religious senior’s residence, sheltered accommodations and recuperations facilities for every age.  Offers peace and quiet after a long illness or a difficult operation, under professional medical supervision.


Nofei Gilo
Harav Unterman 5
Jerusalem 93861
02 677 5333 Nursing home with 120 two-room apartments. There is a monthly payment as in a rental.  Residents are responsible for self-care and involved in decision-making. Reception, security and medical care departments are manned 24 hours a day.
Nofei Yerushalyim
Bait Vegan
Shachrai 24
(6 or 21 bus to Rechov Uziel)Jerusalem
02 677 1311 For independent Seniors and those in need of chronic care. One must be physically and cognitively independent upon entry. Mostly English speakers. Secular and religious. Synagogue, gym, outdoor pool, large cafeteria. Spacious rooms.  Large supermarket on-site. GP doctor, 24hr nurse/medic and social worker on staff. Weekly English programs. Hebrew tutoring. Daily lunch and Friday night dinner. Shabbat services and movies on Shabbat. Various rent or buy-in options. Shuttle service. Next to Shaare Tzedek Hospital. 10 minute drive to the town center.

Website: https://nofey-yerushalaim.co.il/en/ 

Migdal Nofim
Henrietta Szold 2
Kiryat Yovel
02 658 0222


Sheltered accommodations for independent to continued care residents.  Activities run by residents.

Website: https://nofim-tower.co.il/
Email: migdalnofim@bezeqint.net

Palace Modiin


*3666 Few English speakers. Religious and secular residents. Beautiful buildings, large outdoor areas. Includes gym, studios, art studios, synagogue, indoor pool, cinema, supermarket and café. GP doctor, 24hr nurse/medic and social worker on helpful staff. Lots of programming. Breakfast, lunch and Friday night dinners. English weekly lecture and movies. In exercise and art classes, English and Hebrew instructions. Ulpan is offered. Services and movies on Shabbat. Located right off the highway, 25 minute drive from Jerusalem. Shuttle to the nearby mall, kupot cholim, train station etc.

Website: https://azrielipalace.co.il/modiin/  
Email: info@palace.co.il

Protea Hills
Moshav Shoresh
02 533 6064


1 700 701106

Retirement, nursing and assisted-living village in nature.  High quality country style protected living for independent Seniors. Has English speakers.  297 housing units with verandas or private gardens.  Numerous public areas.  Medical and security safety net.  Social and cultural activities.  Regular shuttle to Jerusalem and surrounding area.

Website: https://proteahomes.co.il/har/en/protea-village/  
Email: info2@proteahills.co.il


Tovei Ha’Ir Residence,
Malkhei Yisrael 36
Jerusalem 95501



Religious atmosphere in quiet, central & prestigious location. Physiotherapy institute, in-house nursing department under supervision of Shaarei Zedek Medical Center.  For independent and infirm Seniors.  Chronic Care Department. Few English speakers. Religious (majority Charedi). Rooms of varying sizes.  Pool, gym, sauna, synagogue. Special set of programming and therapy for residents with Alzheimer’s, dementia, aphasia etc. Full medical team; multiple 24hr doctors, nurses and medics and a dietician/nutritionist. Also aides on staff who can be paid on an hourly basis if extra assistance is needed. Full schedule of English programming. Most of the programming is of a religious nature.  Evening entertainment. Daily meals.  A large supermarket on-site.  Located a few minutes away from the Mekor Baruch central bus station. 15 minute walk/short drive to a major shopping center. 10 minute drive to town center.

Website: https://www.tovei.co.il/en/
Email: info@tovei.co.il 

Neveh Horim
Maaleh Zev 3 (corner of Shai Agnon)
02 640 3333


Nursing facility with 200 rooms.  Takes Alzheimer patients. Personal nursing, with a variety of para-medical complementary services, as well as cultural and social activities.

Website: https://en.neveh-horim.co.il/  
Email : mazkirut.nevehorim@gmail.com


Address Tel
Ad Mea Ve’esrim (AD 120) Chain
Tel Aviv, Rishon LeTzion,                  Hod HaSharon
072 3221999 Offers 2-3 room units. Some English speakers.  For independents & non-independents.  Make an appointment to view beforehand.

Website:  https://www.ad-120.org.il/ad-120/

Beit Gil Paz,
HaGvurot 1
Kfar Saba 44209

09 764 2221

240 units Founded by the Israeli Air Force.  Has a swimming pool, mini-market, laundry facilities and more.

Website: https://www.gilpaz.co.il/

Beit Jenny Bruer (Beit Gila) of Reuth
Margolin 4
Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv 67614
077 9612025 Associated with Beit Barth, Jerusalem. Independents only. Orthodox population with English speakers.

Website: https://www.americanfriendsofreuth.org/clinics/beit-jenny-breuer/  http://www.datileumi.co.il/index.asp?id=2004  

Beit Protea
The English Speakers Retirement ResidenceAsher Barosh 5
Herzliya 46365
09 959 5223 Set in 19-dunams of private park, central location in the heart of the Sharon.  Luxury apartments with nursing wing for the physically frail.  English speaking population.

Website: https://bethprotea.org.il/

Email: bprotea@bethprotea.com

Protea Village
Moshav Bnei Dror
09 796 7173


Located north of Ra’anana, set in a 16 dunam park that contains picnic area, tennis courts.  Luxury apartments with nursing wing for the physically and mentally frail.

Website: https://proteahomes.co.il/kfar/en/protea-village/  

Email: protea1@proteavillage.co.il

Bayit Bakfar Hadarim
Ben Yehuda 77  Kfar SabaBayit Bakfar Kfar Saba
Ben Yehuda 71 Kfar Saba

1 800 30 7070


Twin residential centers, 1 to 3 room apartments. Flexible payment schemes. 24-hour medical & security services. Cultural & social activities. Luxurious.

Website: https://bayit-bakfar.co.il/en/about/

Migdalei Yam HaTichon
Hayam 2
Bat Yam 59303

03 555 3001

A country-style retirement village located on a 15-acre plot near the sea.  270 units of 1-4 rooms.  Has large range of public facilities.  Social activities.

Website: https://www.migdalei.co.il/en/

Migdalei HaYam HaTichon ChainKfar Saba, Bat Yam
Savyon, Ramat HaSharon,
Ganei Tikva
09 747 7177 Set on a five-acre park, with swimming pool, gym, restaurants and more.  310 units of 2-3 room apartments.

Website: www.migdalei.co.il

Mishan Chain
Givatayim, Ramat Aviv, Holon,
& 3 Residences in Tel Aviv
*6570 Group of luxurious urban residences for independent seniors, hundreds of apartments run under Histadrut auspices.

Website: https://www.mishan.co.il/en/

Neve Amit Rehovot
Situated on a four-acre park.  Independent seniors with assisted living and a pool.

Website: https://neve-amit.co.il/homepage/


Lev Rehovot
Assisted living in a pastoral setting while being in the heart of Rehovot.   Comprehensive medical care. Sports and leisure.

Website: https://neve-amit.co.il/homepage/

Neve Aviv
Derech Aviv 7
Kfar Shmaryahu 46910
09 956 4643


Luxurious facilities. Next to a sports complex that has a pool.

Independent seniors.  Has a shuttle service, since no buses.

Website: https://neveaviv.co.il/en/  

Bayit BaLev Chain
Tel Aviv, Ramat HaSharon,
Petach Tikva
*5626 Kupat Cholim Maccabi chain for independent Seniors.

Ideal for those who prefer an urban setting.

120 units of 1 1/2 – 2 rooms.  8 larger units available.

Some English speakers, activities are in Hebrew.

Website: https://www.bbalev.co.il/english/

The Golden Age House
Moshe Dayan 66
Central Tel Aviv
*8275 First assisted independent living house in Israel .

300 units: 1, 1.5, 2 rooms. Mixed population An exclusive concept that enables the golden age population to continue with a private and independent life, in a comfortable and spacious apartment while greatly enjoying a supportive environment, including all the necessary community services, under one roof. Also provide nursing care and assisted living at the same building.

Website: www.golden-house.co.il


Address Tel
Beit Ami
Shlomo Hamelech 41
Netanya 42267
09 861 1222 Retirement nursing home.    English Speakers.


Beit Avot Kiryat Sanz- Neve Horim

Rabbi Akiva 8
Kiryat Sanz, Netanya 42447

09 884 0763

09 861 6116

Ultra Orthodox Retirement and Nursing Home.   English Speakers.
Bayit Bakfar Bitan Aharon
Bat Chen Gimmel 37
Kfar Vitkin 40294


250 units available for independents only. Studio – 3 rm. apts.

Activities in a rural setting. Some English speakers.

Website: https://bayit-bakfar.co.il/en/

Ganei Sharonim
HaShomron 61
Even Yehuda 40500
1 800 20 20 50 Retirement village with 2-bedroom apartments. 24-hour medical service. Gym, swimming pool, social activities.

Website: http://ganeisharonim.co.il

Email: info@ganeisharonim.co.il

Greenstein Retirement Home
Dizengoff 47
Netanya 42438
09 862 2026 For independents. 50 rooms. Registration through social services. English speakers.


Lev Ganim
Mendel Mocher Sforim
*6576 Spacious 1 1/2, 2 – 3 room apartments. 24-hour day nursing staff. Lectures, movies, tours, excursions etc.  English Speakers. Elderly residents. .

Website: www.levganim.com

Migdalei Yam HaTichon
Moshav Nordia
*9167 English speakers.  Luxurious apts. and cottages. Programs. Pool.  High standard of living.

Website: https://www.migdalei.co.il/home/nordia/

Nofei Hasharon
Petach Tikva 7
Netanya 42461
*4534 Ideal for those who prefer to live in an urban environment. Number of units: 108. 1-2 rooms.  English speakers, activities.

Website: https://www.nofei-hasharon.co.il/


Address Tel
Mishan Carmel
Eder 12
Ahuza, Haifa
*6570 English Speakers. Independent Living and Nursing Care.

Website:    https://www.mishan.co.il/en/house-carmel/  

Beit Dina
Adam Hacohen 3
Neve Sha’anan, Haifa 32714
04 832 3202 Independent Living and Nursing Care.
Beth Joles
Kikar HaRakafot 1
Mercaz Carmel, Haifa
077 7374100 Independent Living and Assisted Living sections and Nursing Department. Dutch owned.  Kosher.  Activities.

Website: https://joles.co.il/en/

Dor Carmel
Gedaliyahu 1
Neve Sha’anan, Haifa
077 8050626 Independent Living, Assisted Living and a Nursing Care Wing  English speakers. Luxurious.

Website: https://www.navedor.co.il/carmel-home

Dor Tivon
Moshe Dayan 8
Kiryat Tivon
04 903 9000 Independent Living, Assisted Living.  High standard.


Bnai Brith Parents Home
Horev 20/22
Ahuza, Haifa 31099
04 824 6669 English Speakers. Independent Living and Nursing Care Wing

Website: www.bbph.org.il

Elisha Towers
Yair Katz 12
Central Carmel
04 830 9000 English speakers. Near Carmel Center.  Luxurious residence with pool, restaurant, programs.

Website: www.elisha-towers.com

Bayit BaLev Beit Ildan
HaHashmonaim 76
Kiryat Motzkin 26401
*5626 Owned by Kupat Holim Maccabi.  Independent Living . Programs, Sports, Spa.

Website: https://www.bbalev.co.il/english/

Maon HaRofe
Yaacov Dori 9
077 7298889 Independent, Frail & in need of Nursing Care. 24/7 Medical staff. Physiotherapy.

Website: https://maon-harofe.co.il/haifa/


Address Tel
Avot HaNegev Mishan
Elfassi 12
Beer Sheva 84763

08 647 6709


181 apartments. New accommodations. Several English speakers. Multi-lingual Library.

Website: https://www.mishan.co.il/house-ber-sheva/

Ganei Omer
HaAgam 5
Omer 84965
08 646 0988 105 one-floor apartments (212 units). Residents own their units and pay monthly fee to cover maintenance costs + 24 hour security service. Many English speakers with activities.

Website: https://ganeiomer.wixsite.com/ganei-omer/english

Ganei Ye’elim,
HaAliyah  1
Beer Sheva  84722
08 610 1010 182 units. 1, 2 & 2 1/2 rooms.  Purchase or rent plus monthly maintenance costs.


Beit Yonah
Yaakov Dori 2
Beer Sheva
08 640 7444 Protected housing project for the elderly, which is comprised of three buildings:  Two residential buildings, 136 housing units


Amal Gat Siudi
Kibbutz Gat
D.N. 79565
08 660 3312 Small premises. 20 rooms. Geriatric only.

Website: https://www.amalgroup.co.il/nursing-homes/gat


Neot Eilat First Club
P.O. Box 3438
Eilat 80811
08 636 4666 First Club is part of the Maonot Maccabi network of retirement homes. A well-known medical institute for alternative medical treatment. Located close to the Red Sea with a large pool.
Beit Halperin
Avshalom Haviv 6
08 679 5777 More than 200 residents Independent and Nursing Care.

Activities offered.


A United States citizen who has paid in to U.S. Social Security for at least 40 quarters may file for a Social Security pension.  A U.S. citizen pays into Social Security while being employed in the U.S. and may also pay into Social Security when working on a freelance basis outside of the U.S.

A spouse of a United States citizen who is collecting a Social Security pension may be eligible for a reduced Social Security pension even if they have not paid in 40 quarters.

One may file for a pension from the age of 62.  Full retirement benefits are available between age 66 – 67, depending on your birthdate.  If you file later than age 62, your benefits are higher and they are automatically calculated by Social Security.  You may also receive, in certain cases, from 6 months to a year of retroactivity for retirement claims.  If you file for early retirement from age 62, your benefits are reduced.

Until the full age of retirement, you cannot work more than 45 hours a month outside the U.S. and continue receiving your full Social Security Benefits.

One must report foreign pensions whenever they are received.  The failure to report a pension based on work (not covered by Social Security) constitutes fraud.  Applying first for Social Security benefits does not relieve the recipient of this reporting obligation.  For clarification please check information on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) at the Social Security website:  www.ssa.gov.

Anyone with Social Security questions may contact the Federal Benefits Unit at the U.S. Jerusalem Embassy which answers Social Security questions for all U.S. citizens in Israel.

https://il.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/fbu-inquiry-form/ or fbu.jerusalem@ssa.gov .

In all correspondence with the FBU, please include:  your name, last four digits of your Social Security number, address in Israel, and a contact phone number.

AACI wishes to thank the Federal Benefits Unit of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem for this information.

The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.

AACI Information Sheet

Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik, the basic old-age pension monthly allowance, is NIS 1736 for an individual and NIS 2609 for a couple (the pension for a couple is composed of a pension for an individual plus an increment for the spouse). If each of the couple separately meets the entitlement criteria for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik, each of them will receive a pension.

The pensioner must be in Israel in order to apply for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik and may apply once he has reached pension age. The conditional pension age is called Gil Prisha.  For women it starts at 62 and gradually goes up to 65, depending on the date of birth.  For men, it is 67. Eligibility at Gil Prisha is means tested.  The non-conditional pension age is called Gil Zakaut and is 70 for both men and women. At Gil Zakaut, your income is no longer a factor in determining eligibility. The pensioner may receive payments up to one year retroactively. The pensioner must be recognized as a resident of Israel by Bituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute) in order to be eligible for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik.

A man who immigrated to Israel 5 years before Gil Prisha is eligible for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik.

A woman who immigrated to Israel at least one day before Gil Prisha, and is one of the following, is eligible for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik:

  • An unmarried woman whether single, divorced or widowed (except for a widow with a survivor’s pension or dependents’ pension and not working) or an aguna.
  • A married woman who worked outside her home for at least 5 years out of the 10 years before Gil Prisha or for 144 months.
  • A married woman whose spouse is not covered by old-age or survivors’ insurance (because of his age at the time of his aliyah or because he is not an Israeli resident).

A 2% increment is given for each year a person paid in to Bituach Leumi. The maximum increment amount given is 50% of the Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik.   A 5% increment is given for every year a person works and defers his pension past Gil Prisha, up until Gil Zakaut.

Returning Israelis who have reached pension age should apply for Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik. Usually, if they have paid in for at least 5 years they will receive Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik.  However, each case is evaluated by Bituach Leumi on an individual basis and therefore all Returning Residents should apply.

The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication.  Changes in procedures and in the law may occur.  AACI does not take responsibility for changes and recommends you confirm the above information with an AACI counselor.


Every Israeli resident who reaches the conditional age of retirement according to the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) is entitled to receive a Senior Citizen Card, Cartis Ezrach Vatik.  The current conditional age is 67 for men and 62 – 65 for women, depending on their brithdate.

This card entitles seniors to discounts on public transportation; reduced theater, museum and national parks entrance fees; and other benefits.

If you made aliyah before your retirement age, you may receive the card automatically in the mail.  Please apply if you made aliyah as a retiree or if you did not receive the card within a month of retirement.

You may apply for the Ezrach Vatik card by phone at *8840 between 8:00 – 16:00 or online (in Hebrew) at https://form.mse.gov.il/seniorcard/ .

The card may take up to two months after applying to arrive.

For a Digital Senior Card, there is an app in Hebrew.

You can Download the Senior Citizen app from
* Google Play – for Android devices  
* AppStore  – for iOS (Apple) devices

Search in English by putting in Shivyon
Or in Hebrew  אזרח ותיק   with a Menorah.

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