Home > Living in Israel

AACI is here for you!

With over 70 years’ experience, AACI Counselors have the “know-how” to provide individualized assistance, with our guidance you can look forward to a successful Aliyah!

Whether you are new to Israel or a seasoned veteran, AACI has your answers!  Planning an extended visit to Israel or making aliyah, or entering a new phase in your life and looking for professional direction, contact the AACI Counselor. 

We are available by personal appointment, telephone or email. If you haven’t already, join and be a part of the AACI Community  and then contact us at: info@aaci.org.il

Please Note: In this time of the Coronavirus many government offices do not have office hours. In view of these uncertain times, please check the official websites to see if the particular office is open and if you need an appointment. If you are having trouble accessing a particular office, we suggest you contact your AACI counselor.  As always, AACI is a non-profit, membership organization and counseling is for members. 

Disclaimer:  Due to the Coronavirus crisis, there may be changes in the information on these Information Sheets.

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