Aliyah Q & A
Aliyah Q & A
How do I renew my American/Israeli Passport?
To renew your American Passport
To renew your Israeli Passport
How do I make an appointment in Misrad HaPnim?
Through the GoVisit website:
I am a new oleh, how much time do I have to be in Israel to be eligible for an Israeli passport?
If you are an oleh in the first 5 years of your aliyah, you need to have physically resided in Israel for 75% of the time when you apply for an Israeli passport.
I am a retired oleh, do I have to pay in to Bituach Leumi?
Yes. Bituach Leumi payments cover national health coverage.
I made aliyah at 70 years old, when will I be eligible for a government pension through Bituach Leumi?
Only persons who made aliyah before retirement age set by Bituach Leumi are eligible for a government pension. So if you made aliyah at 70 years old, you will never be eligible for a government pension.
How do I switch Kupot?
Go to any post office branch with your Teudat Zehut and complete a Tofes Maavar (transfer form). You will be required to pay a nominal fee. Take the transfer form to the administrative offices of the new Kupat Cholim.
Where do I turn if I have a Consumer complaint?
Citizens Advice Bureau SHIL tel. 02 5468679 email: