AACI  – Rates for e-newsletter & Professional Directory: 2024


All ads are included on the website as well as in the e-newsletter and in the Special Ad E-blast.

The AACI’s electronic newsletter is sent mailed out at least twice a month to over 15,000 unique subscribers.  The AACI Special Ad E-blast is sent out four times a year and includes the Professional  Directory and all graphic ads in the AACI website.

Accepting material for the e-newsletter will be at the discretion of the editor.

Ad rates are as follows:

AACI Directory Listing
1-year NIS1,500

Business card (150×94 pixels)  
For 1 full year = 24 – 48 issues, NIS 3,600

SPECIAL DEAL:  Directory AND Business card for one year only NIS 4,500

Banner ad (610×130 pixels)
For 1 full year = 24 – 48 issues, NIS 4,200

SPECIAL DEAL:  Directory AND Banner ad for one year only NIS 4,900

COMPILING AD: for client is an additional NIS150.

All ads must be in JPEG camera ready format and paid in advance Carole at 02-566-1181 ext. 205, ckremer@aaci.org.il

Advertisements must be paid in advance and are for one year. 

Ads can be paid with a credit card online or with a bank transfer to AACI:
Bank Hapoalim 12
Branch 690 / Account # 98520
16 King George Street  Jerusalem

If you make a bank transfer, please let us know with an email to info@aaci.org.il
Be sure to include your full name and email address.

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