AACI Information Sheet

January 2020

Olim (new immigrants) are entitled to a free ulpan course. Check with your Ministry of Immigration and Absorption 

(Misrad HaAliyah ve’haKlitah) advisor to confirm eligibility and to receive a voucher for the ulpan in your area 

most suited to you. 

The standard ulpan meets 5 hours a day/ 5 days a week, for a period of 5 months. A less intensive ulpan, geared 

for retirees, meets 3 days a week for a period of 10 months. Advanced level ulpan classes usually meet 3 days a 

week in the late afternoon. 

Ulpans may have a set schedule or open classes on demand. They may also accept students on a rolling admissions 

basis if their level warrants it. 

A new initiative of Misrad HaAliyah ve’haKlitah allows olim to be reimbursed for specific private ulpans. 


Ulpan Bein Leumi I’NetanyaOpposite Rav Kook 71 and Shlomo HaMelech 36 T: 09 834 1223 For olim and tourists. Intensive and retiree ulpan classes open on demand.You have to go to the ulpan, they do not answer the phone.  

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